Paul Auster

Che palle

9780140115857Avevo trovato di recente un blog che raccoglieva stroncature curiose e divertenti di libri più o meno classici. Uso il passato perché il blog ha appena chiuso con una mezza operazione di marketing che boh, però l’idea a me piaceva.
Mi è capitato poi anche di finire Moon Palace di Auster, un autore che si presta particolarmente alla lettura in lingua (inglese), anche per me che vorrei ma non posso.
E mi è capitato anche di sfogliare le recensioni di Anobii del suddetto libro (non fra i migliori in assoluto di Auster, ma molto bello come sempre, mia opinione ovviamente). E così ho trovato anche il seguente commento:

Noioso! Sì,va bene la ricerca delle nostre origini, la conoscenza del nostro io, il caso che governa i nostri incontri….e poi la città,la frontiera, il deserto….insomma….che palle!!!

E così mi è venuto in mente un blog che avevo trovato di recente, ma che purtroppo ha chiuso.

The only place you exist is in your head


“The land is too big out there, and after a while it starts to swallow you up. I reached a point when I couldn’t take it in anymore. All that bloody silence and emptiness. You try to find your bearings in it, but it’s too big, the dimensions are too monstruos, and eventually, I don’t know how else to put it, eventually it just stops being there. There’s no world, no land, no nothing. It comes down to that, Fogg, in the end it’s all a figment. The only place you exist is in your head.”

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Moon Palace


It was the summer that men first walked on the moon. I was very young back then, but I did not believe there would ever be a future. I wanted to live dangerously, to push myself as far as I could go, and then see what happened to me when I got there. As it turned out, I nearly did not make it. Little by little, I saw my money dwindle to zero; I lost my apartment; I wound up living in the streets. If not for a girl named Kitty Wu, I probably would have starved to death. I had met her by chance only a short time before, but eventually I came to see that chance as a form of readiness, a way of sarving myself through the minds of others. That was the first part. From then on, strange things happened to me. I took the job with the old man in the wheelchair. I found out who my father was. I walked across the desert from utah to California. That was a long time ago, of course, but I remember those days well, I remember them as the beginning of my life.

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