in all its disappointment

The Palais Wittgenstein was in fact very opulently furnished, including an interior fountain and a music room on the first floor complete with a built-in organ. After Karl’s death in 1913, ownership of the building changed hands several times within the family before ultimately landing with Karl’s oldest child, Hermine Wittgenstein in the 1930s. The Palais managed to escape the war years with nearly no damage, but it was used by the Nazi regime to house officers. After the war, in the 1950s, Hermine decided to sell the Palais to the state-owned Austrian Länderbank – a sale which the building sadly did not survive. The bank opted to tear down the former residence of one of the city’s most fascinating and famous families and build a non-descript apartment building in its place. This building can be found, in all its disappointment, at Argentinierstrasse 16.

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