“The technology exists to give just about anyone -however sick, however old, however badly injured- a perfectly normal life. But it all costs money. Resources are limited. Even if doctors and medical technicians were compelled to provide their services, free of charge, to whoever demanded them… and ike I said, there are laws against slavery… well, someone, somehow, would still have to miss out. The present government sees the market as the best way of determining who that is.”
As if this walk to my death is all that matters, now; as if these last few minutes of my life have superseded everything else.
They have, though, haven’t they? Everything else is past, is gone.
Yes – and so will this begone. If I am going to die, there’s no need to ‘make peace’ with myself, no reason to ‘compose myself for death’. The way I face extinction is just as fleeting, just as irrelevant, as the way I faced every other moment of my life.
Latrati di cani
Dicono: scrivi un film come dovessi morire domattina e le tue parole in bocca agli attori fossero le ultime, ma io, dovessi morire, avrei sintassi grammatica, secondo voi? Avrei urla disumane di dolore paura, al massimo. Gli attori avrebbero latrati di cani, altro che ultime parole.
Understanding is an overrated concept
‘Understanding,’ the lecturer told us, ‘is an overrated concept. Nobody really understands how a fertilised egg turns into a human. What should we do? Stop having children until ontogenesis can be described by a set of differential equations?’
Some purists are never happy
I was wrong about one thing: I always thought the bullet would come from some anal-retentive cinephile, outraged by one of Zeitgeist’s ‘Sequels to the Celluloid Classics’. The software avatars we use as directors are always constructed with meticulous care, by psychologists and film historians committed to re-creating the true persona of the original auteur… but some purists are never happy, and there were death threats for more than a year after Hanna and Her Sisters II, in 3-D.
Penoso. Le cose che vi ci costringono in genere vengono trascurate.
‘Why?’ Eugene frowned. ‘Don’t ask me to account for my ations; you’re the ones who would have made me what I would have been. If you want my subjective opinion: prsonally, I can’t see any point in existence when I can achieve so much without it – but I wouldn’t call that an “explanation”; it’s merely a rationalisation of process best described at a neural level.’ He shrugged apologetically. ‘The question really has no meaning. Why anything? The laws of physics, and the boundary conditions of space-time. What more can I say?’
Diverse percezioni
Ieri ha nevicato, e lo sapevo bene, ma stamattina mi sono un po’ stupito quando ho aperto la finestra e ho visto la neve.
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Proprio non mi ci adatto alla vita!
BERENGER Senta, Jean. Non ho nessuna distrazione, in questa cittadina ci si annoia e poi non sono tagliato per il lavoro che faccio… sì, tutti i giorni in ufficio, otto ore, e tre sole settimane di ferie d’estate! Lei capisce, il sabato sera sono così depresso che per distendere i nervi…
JEAN Ma mio caro, tutti quanti lavorano, anch’io lavoro come lei… faccio otto ore al giorno di ufficio e non ho che ventun giorni di ferie l’anno… eppure, eppure, come può constatare… Un po’ di amor proprio, che diamine!
BERENGER Amor proprio! Eh, non tutti sono come lei. Io non mi ci adatto. Proprio non mi adatto alla vita!
Der Hobbit
Ci sono film che mi posso permettere di vedere in tedesco, per cui è più importante il grande schermo che la totale comprensione dei dialoghi. O perché assenti (vedi All is lost) o perché ininfluenti (vedi Der Hobbit). Però non posso dire che sia univocamente un pregio per il film.
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